We are going to cite the texts of each of the following parts:
1. The appeals to tell one’s beads.
At each of her visions at Fatima, the Most Holy Virgin has requested that every believer prays his beads every day.
2. The Secrets given to the children.
At Fatima, the Most Holy Virgin has given two secrets:
a) The Secret of the 13th of July 1917 comprises three parts, two of which have been made public by Pius XII in 1943, and the third one by John Paul II in 2000.
b) The Secret of the 13th of October 1917 has been published by the newspaper Neues Europa in 1963 and made public in 1978 by Monsignor Corrado Balducci (1923-2008), a close friend of John Paul II, an exorcist in Rome and a prelate of the Roman Congregation for Evangelization.

1. The appeals to tell one’s beads.
At her six appearances, at Fatima, the Most Holy Virgin has always requested that we tell our beads every day. Let us rather listen to her own words:
“Tell your beads every day.” (May 13th)
“I want that one tells his beads every day.” (June 13th)
“Continue to tell the beads every day for the honor of Our Lady of the Rosary (July 13th)
“I want that one continues to tell his beads every day.” (August 19th)
“Continue to tell your beads every day.” (September 13th)
“I am Our Lady of Rosary, I want to tell to you that it is required that one continues always to tell his beads everyday” (October 13th).

2. The Secrets given to the children.
a) The Secret of the 13th of July 1917 revealed by the order of Pius XII in 1943 by Cardinal SCHUSTER
1st part : The vision of Hell.
Here is the text written by Lucie:
“With the permission of heaven, and out of pure obedience the Secret consists of three parts, I will expose two of them.”
“Our Lady opened again the hands as the previous two times. The projected pencil of rays seemed to penetrate the soil and we saw as a wide sea of fire.
“Into this sea were plunged, black and burned, demons and souls looking as human shapes, resembling to transparent embers.
Carried up in the air by the flames, they were falling on all sides as the sparks in great fires, with no weight nor stability, among great cries and screaming of pain and despairs that were causing to shake and to quiver with terror.
“It was probably because of this vision that I shouted the exclamation of horror that has been said to be heard.
“Demons were distinguishable from humans by their horrible and disgusting shapes of frightful and unknown animals but transparent as glowing charcoal.
“This vision lasted only a short time and we must thank our Good Mother of Heaven who, in advance, had forewarned us with the promise to take us into Heaven. Otherwise, I believe, we would have died of terror and fright.
“Then, as to ask for help, we raised our eyes towards the Holy Virgin who told us with goodness and sadness:
“You have seen the hell where will end the souls of poor sinners. To save them, the Lord wants to establish within the whole world the devotion for my Immaculate Heart.
“If one does what I say to you, many souls will be saved and there will have peace.”

Pope Pius XII
2nd part : Russia’s conversion.
“I will come to ask for the Consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart and the repairing communion of first Saturdays.
“If one listens to my demands, Russia will become converted though we will have peace. Otherwise, she will spread her errors throughout the world, provoking wars and persecutions against the Church; many good people will be martyrized. The Holy Father will have a lot of suffer; several nations will be destroyed.
“However, at least, My Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Consecration to the Immaculate Heart will be made, Russia will become converted and a time of peace will be given to the world.
“When you tell your beads, say at the end of each ten:
“O my Jesu,s forgive us, preserve us from the fire of Hell; take into Heaven all the souls and give especially your help to those who need it the most.”
“Pray, pray much and make sacrifices for the sinners, for many souls go into Hell because nobody prays and sacrifices oneself for them.”

3rd part revealed in 2000: The Church - (Written on January 3, 1944 by Lucie in Tuy at the Dorothée sisters where she was). This third part was made public on the orders of St. John Paul II on June 26, 2000 by Cardinal Ratzinger and Monsignor Bertone, respectively President and Secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
Note: God’s Mother had asked that the parts given to Lucie and that remained secret to be made public in 1960. Canon Barthas was confirmed this date by Lucie herself and by the bishop of Leira, diocese of Fatima. But in 1960 Pope John XXIII decided not to disclose anything.
“After the two parts that I have already exhibited, we saw on the left side of Our Lady, a little higher up, an Angel with a sword of fire in his left hand; it sparkled and emitted flames which, it seemed, had to burn down the world, but they died out in contact with the splendor which emanated from the right hand of Our Lady in the direction of him; the Angel, pointing to the earth with his right hand, said in a loud voice: Penance! Penance! Penance! And we saw in a huge light that is God: “Something similar to the way people see themselves in a mirror when they pass by it “a bishop dressed in white“, we had the foreboding that it was the Holy Father.” Various other bishops, priests, religious and nuns climbed a steep mountain, at the top of which there was a large Cross in rough trunks, as if they were oak-cork with their bark; before he got there, the Holy Father crossed a great city half in ruins and, half trembling, with a vacillating step, afflicted with suffering and sorrow, he prayed for the souls of the corpses he found on his way; reaching the top of the mountain, prostrate on his knees at the foot of the great Cross, he was killed by a group of soldiers who fired several shots with a gun and arrows; and in the same way died one after the others the bishops, priests, religious and nuns and various lay people, men and women of different classes and social categories. Under the two arms of the Cross, there were two Angels, each with a crystal watering can in hand, in which they collected the blood of the Martyrs and with which they irrigated the souls who approached God.” (Tuy, January 3rd, 1944)

The three children: Lucia, Jacinta and Francesco
b) The Secret of the 13th of October 1917:
The text was first leaked by the German newspaper “Neues Europa” on October 15, 1963, and then it was published by the newspaper of the Vatican “Osservatore Della Dominica” on October 15, 1978, under the pen of a close friend of the future St john Paul II, Monsignor Corrado Balducci, between the pontificate of John Paul I and John Paul II.
The authenticity of the Message of October 13, 1917 is indisputably confirmed by the Messages given by the Mother of God and approved by the Church in Akita, Japan. And Cardinal Ratzinger, future Pope Benedict XVI, said the same thing : “The Messages of Fatima and Akita are essentially the same”.
And for Bishop Ito of the diocese where Akita is located: “I believe that Akita’s third Message is closely linked to the Message of Fatima. Even after receiving the Message of Fatima, people did not repent. Our Lady had to remember and revive the Message of Fatima.
Here is the text of the secret given on October 13, 1917:
“Do not worry, dear child, I am the Mother of God, I am speaking to you and I ask you to give the following message to the whole world, in my name.
By doing that, you will get strong hostile reactions. But be strong in faith and you will triumph over all these hostile reactions. Listen and remember what I am saying to you:
Men must become better. They must pray for the remission of the sins they have committed and the sins they will continue to commit.
You ask me for a miraculous sign in order that everybody understand my words which I sent through you to mankind. This miracle, you have just seen it. It was the big miracle of the sun.
All have seen it, believers and unbelievers, men from towns and countryside, scientists and pressmen, laymen and priests.
And now announce in my Name:
The whole of mankind will receive a great chastisement not today not even tomorrow but in the second half of the Twentieth century.
What I have already made known in La Salette by the children Melanie and Maximin I repeat today to you. Mankind has not changed as God had hoped. Mankind has been sacrilegious and tramples underfoot the gift it has received.
There is no more order anywhere. Even in the highest ranks it is Satan who governs and decides the run of business. He will even know how to react the highest ranks of the Church.
He will succeed in spreading confusion in the great scientific minds who invent weapons which can destroy half of the mankind in a few minutes.
He will subdue people in power to his will and induce them to mass produce these weapons.
If mankind does not defend itself I will be obliged to drop my Son’s arm. If those who govern the world and the Church do not stand up against these actions I will do it myself and I will pray God my Father to administer his justice to men.
We shall then see God punishing mankind far more severely than by means of the Great Flood. And the great and the small will perish alike.
But at the same time, the Church will be greatly tested. Some cardinals will be against other cardinals, some bishops will be against other bishops. Satan will be amongst them.
In Rome also there will be great changes; what is rotten falls down and what falls down must not be maintained. The Church will be darkened and the world will be plunged in disarray.
The great great war will come in the second half of the twentieth century.
Fire and smoke will fall down from the sky and the water of the oceans will be transformed in steam spitting its foam to the sky and anything standing upright will be knocked down.
Millions and millions of men will die every hour; and those still alive will wish they were dead. The will be tribulation everywhere and misery in the whole world and desolation in all countries.
Yes, the time is approaching very fast, the abyss is deepening ever more and there is no way out ; the good will die with the bad, the great with the smalls, the Church’s princes with their congregations, the world’s sovereigns with their peoples ; everywhere death will rule, raised in its triumph by men who have eared and by Satan’s valets who will be then the only sovereigns on earth.
It will be time that no king, no emperor, no cardinal, no bishop is waiting for and it will come anyway according to my Father’s plan to punish and revenge.
Later however, when those who survive it all will be still alive, men will turn to God and his magnificence again and men will serve God again as before when the world wasn’t so corrupt.
I am calling all my Son’s Jesus Christ true imitators, all true Christians and apostles of recent time! The Time of all times is coming and the End of all ends if mankind does not convert itself and if this conversion does not come from the rulers of the world and the rulers of the Church.
But woe betides the world if this conversion does not come and if everything stays as it is or become worse.
Go on, my child, and proclaim it ! I will always stand by your side helping you.”